G&L Security Training​
G&L Security Training​
Please contact us prior to purchase with any questions
Please contact us prior to purchase with any questions

This is a 2-day, 16-hour class developed for licensed security guards or security guard card applicants looking to obtain the BSIS Firearms Permit and work as an armed security guard. During the classroom training (Day 1), participants will learn the following:
-Moral and Legal Aspects: Laws regarding the possession and carrying of firearms, Laws, and standards regarding the use of deadly force, Avoidance of deadly force, De-escalation of force, Criminal and civil liability, and Effects of firearm use.
-Firearm Nomenclature and Maintenance: Revolver, Semi-automatic, Ammunition, and Firearm safety.
-Weapon Handling and Shooting Fundamentals: Loading and unloading, Grip, Draw, Proper positions, and shooting fundamentals.
-Emergency Procedures
During the range training (Day 2), participants will practice safe handling and firing a duty weapon, participating in the BSIS Approved Range Qualification Course of Fire.
The cost of the class includes the opportunity to qualify at the range with up to 6 calibers. WE DO NOT CHARGE FOR ADDITIONAL CALIBERS! Participants may bring their own firearm(s) to the range (Day 2). Participants who don't own a firearm can qualify with ONE of G&L Security Trainings loaner firearms at no additional fee. Each additional loaner firearm will be charged $5.00 per gun.
Participants are responsible for purchasing their own ammunition (100 rounds per caliber) for the Range Training & Qualification (Day 2). NO RELOADS ARE ACCEPTED...NO ACCEPTIONS! Ammunition should be purchased in advance of attending the class since the state of California now requires an Eligibility Check before purchasing ammunition. This background check can take up to 10 days. Hearing and eye protection can be borrowed from G&L Security Training at no additional cost.
Following the standards established by the BSIS, participants must qualify with a minimum score of 80% on a course of fire prescribed by the Bureau and pass with a minimum score of 85 percent or more on the Bureau-approved written examination. Passing a written examination is only required at the time of the initial application and the renewal of the firearm permit. Review the BSIS Firearms Permit Manual in preparation for the class and written examination.
This class DOES NOT INCLUDE the following fees:
Live Scan Fee: $112.00-$150.00 (click for livescan locations) https://oag.ca.gov/fingerprints/locations
BSIS Initial Permit Fee: $100.00 BSIS FACT SHEET https://www.bsis.ca.gov/forms_pubs/fire_fact.shtml
Psychological Exam: $60.00 BSIS Assessment Requirement https://www.bsis.ca.gov/firearmsassessment/index.shtml
These fees are your responsibility.
If you need to reschedule your class, your fee will be applied to the next available class.
Please take your psychological exam prior to paying for your class. Class Fees are NON-Refundable if you fail your psychological exam.
Initial Exposed Firearm
Practical Firearms Training
Practical Firearms Training
Defensive Handgun
Defensive Handgun
Tactical Rifle
Tactical Rifle
Precision Rifle
Precision Rifle
Defensive Shotgun
Defensive Shotgun